Edogawa Ward comes up with a metaverse event to help people socialize
Japan takes the lead in technology yet again; however, this time, it has laid more emphasis on social and non-profit purposes. Edogawa Ward has announced plans to host a metaverse event for people, especially students, who are dealing with hikikomori.
The metaverse event is tentatively scheduled for June 2023, with registrations mandatory for participants – metaverse and real venue. A total of 80 participants will be allowed. This includes 50 metaverse participants and 30 real venue participants. While more pieces of information are awaited to fall for the media, it is clear that the objective is to encourage people to leave their houses or at least rooms and interact with others.
A metaverse event by Edogawa Ward is targeted at those who find it difficult to leave their comfort zone and meet others in person. Six metaverse events are scheduled for the year, allowing people to join each event through an avatar.
Anyone who feels uncomfortable meeting people due to the revelation of their faces or names will find it rather convenient and easy to interact with others. They will not be forced, or even asked, to share their actual names and show their faces. Participants can select an avatar, participate in discussions, and interact with others just like in the real world.
The theme will be followed by the outcome of the discussion by participants at the real venue. Masaki Ikegami, the Director of Kazoku Hikikomori Japan, is responsible for coordinating the theme discussion.
A ward official has talked about the project, saying that the ward simply wants to offer a place to people where they can think that they want to be out there. It is estimated that approximately 9,096 people were hikikomori. This includes students who are not able to attend classes. The study dates back to 2021, but it does highlight that there is a considerable amount of the population seeking help. Takeshi Saito, the Mayor of Edogawa Ward, believes that the metaverse project may not help them completely, but it will definitely be helpful to some people to a larger extent.
Takeshi has added that they are targeting those people who shy away from leaving their rooms and interacting with people in the real world. The ultimate objective is to help them take a step towards being a better person.
Metaverse, the digital world, continues to evolve. People are utilizing the technology in their interest to bring a ray of hope that there could be widespread adoption of the metaverse. Companies are working to ensure that they drive a breakthrough in the industry.
A non-profit use of metaverse goes on to show how it can assist people in overcoming the shortfalls in their personalities, like interacting with people.
Edogawa Ward has announced to come up with more details in relation to the metaverse event for hikikomori.