Newark Moonlight Cinema Becomes First Drive-In Movie Theater

The first drive-in cinema is now open in Newark. The Newark Moonlight Cinema opened on Friday, and it is the first drive-in movie theater in Newark since the 1980s. The first movie projected in the theater was “Just Mercy” starring Michael B. Jordan. The movie portrays Jordan playing the role of a civil rights attorney Bryon Stevenson. The story of the film is about a biographical drama about the ones wrongly convicted.
Approximately 300 people gathered from Newark to show support to Newark’s first drive-in theater in the last four decades. Talking about the opening of Newark Moonlight Cinema, Fawn Ross, a resident from Newark quoted,
Newark Moonlight Cinema is the contrivance of the Newark filmmaker Ayana Stafford-Morris and her husband Siree Morris, a real estate developer. The theater is situated near the Eagles Riverfront Stadium, and the former Newark Bears at 54 Bridge Street. The Newark Moonlight Cinema is a big achievement for Ayana and Siree. It is a chance for the couple to show the movies that had a huge impact on their lives. Morris further quoted,
The visitors can have an extraordinary experience even before the movie starts. The ticket price is $12 per person, and people can buy them online from the theater’s website.