Oklahoma City VA Sets up Mobile ICU to Face COVID Cases

With the number of Coronavirus cases increasing day-by-day, several emergency restrictions are in place in Oklahoma City on activities to limit the spread of this virus. The hospitals are getting an increasing number of patients, and numbers of positive cases refuse to come down. The Oklahoma City VA Hospital, for example, has seen a massive surge in patients in the last few days, and they have been forced to add a mobile ICU unit on their campus. For those who do not know, the Oklahoma City VA hospital provides state-of-the-art healthcare services to veterans in two counties in North Texas and Oklahoma City. It has already treated more than 200 COVID patients, and their spirit is still upbeat as the staff loves to care for the veterans. The hospital has already informed that a mobile medical care unit has already come up in the parking lot that was originally designed to combat natural disasters like hurricanes. The mobile medical facility is 250 ft long and takes around 15 medium trucks to transport it. It is a one-of-a-kind facility as it makes its oxygen and water.
The latest reports suggest that the hospital has 40 COVID patients at present. Still, the decision to set up this mobile medical facility was taken to facilitate the treatment of more veterans. No other hospital in Oklahoma City can match the dedication of the staff members here. The facility will be used for non-COVID cases only, but it is essential to treat COVID patients also. The medical care facility will be in running condition from 5th August. The hospital authorities are hopeful that this extra addition will help them to treat more people in the case the community is in dire need.