Chinese Researchers Start Phase-2 Human Test Drive For Possible Corona Vaccine

A team of researchers from the Institute of Medical Biology at Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (IMBCAMS) is working on the second phase human trial of a possible coronavirus vaccine. Valuable efforts are being made by agencies worldwide to launch an effective vaccine solution capable of battling out the aggravating coronavirus crisis across the world.
According to the official report, the phase-2 vaccine trial will help the researchers to ascertain the experimental shot’s dosage. It will also help to evaluate whether the potential vaccine can strengthen the immune responses in healthy people. The vaccine is among the six possible vaccines being tested on humans by Chinese scientists. In its social media handle, revealed that its phase-1 study recruited nearly 200 participants since May. The team is planning to dedicate a plant for producing the vaccine to trigger China’s future vaccine supply aids by year-end.
Coronavirus or the COVID-19 marked its first imprint in Wuhan, China, at the end of the bygone year. In a month or two, the disease devastated Wuhan causing rapid deaths. As coronavirus expanded to different parts of the world, the World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic that required immediate counteraction for people’s safety at large. Nearly 8.81 million people have been infected, and the virus has also caused the death of nearly 460,000 sufferers in different countries.
Till date, there is no vaccine for the disease; rather, a dozen of them are in varied developmental stages of human testing. WHO released a warning on corona proliferation and remarked that “the world is in a new and dangerous phase.”
Despite continuous testing, none of the vaccine projects have passed large-scale, late-stage phase 3 clinical trials, which is important for getting regulatory approval before public use.