NY Prosecutors Issued Subpoena against Deutsche Bank in Trump Probe
To seek President Donald Trump’s tax records, the district attorney office of Manhattan has subpoenaed Deutsche Bank. Reportedly, the lawyers issued the subpoena last year, suggesting investigation for Trump’s potential criminal business practices.
Democrat, Cyrus Vance, refuses to agree or deny any reports. The Deutsche Bank and the White House haven’t responded to any questions raised by the media. According to the news, Deutsche Bank has provided the prosecutors with records comprising the details of the financial statements submitted by Trump to the bank as he solicited loans.
Vance suggests organizing a grand jury subpoena to investigate tax returns by Trump for “possible extensive and protracted criminal conduct at Trump Organization,” along with potential bank fraud charges.
According to his investigation, Vance has come across ghost payments made by two women into Trump’s account. Both women claim to have a sexual relationship with Trump before he was elected as a president. While Deutsche Bank’s response to the allegations has reinforced the significance of legal threats, the Republican president’s investigation has begun. The inquiry is still at an early stage, and none of the officials have given any confirmation regarding the claims.