Thousands of Jellyfish Spotted on South Florida Beach

In a surprising sight, scores of jellyfish washed up on the beaches of South Florida that included some dangerous species as well. The pictures and a message about the jellyfish were shared widely by the city of Hallandale beach. The jellyfish scientifically known as Velella are not dangerous.
According to reports, Velella does not cause any painful sting. However, some who may touch them may feel the stingers around the sensitive areas of the skin, such as eyes. But, lifeguards issued the warning that some dangerous man-o-war popularly known as siphonophore existed in the group.
They are also quite popular by their several other nicknames, namely blue/purple, by the wind sailors, or sea rafts. The city reportedly claimed that the event of jelly fishing washing up on beaches happens every three years. Both creatures do not have the power to move on their own.