Inability of Police to Understand Scottish Accent Cost Ewan Williamson His Life

In an ongoing investigation, Coroner’s Court heard arguments of Gordon Williamson, the father of the Ewan Williamson, who died of heatstroke while hiking in Western Australia in December 2012. Gordon claimed that his son died owing to the inability and callousness of Police, which took too long to understand the gravity of the situation.
Ewan Williamson, aged 14, fell ill while tracking in the Cape Range National Park with his father, Gordon Williamson. After Ewan got disoriented while the duo was just about to reach their car, Gordon called the Police asking for emergency help. But the Scottish accent of Ewan’s father played accomplice as the Police weren’t able to make out how dire the situation was. Gordon contended before the court that it was ridiculous on the part of the Police to take an hour to understand how serious the condition was and by the time help and paramedics arrived, Ewan had already taken his last breath.