Murderer Anthony Garver Escapes from Washington State Mental Hospital; SWAT Team Continues to Search

Murderer Anthony Garver slipped away from the Western State Hospital in the state of Washington along with another patient named Mark Alexander Adams. Graver was last seen at his parent’s home in Spokane. According to the police, Graver can be quite dangerous to people and it would be better if people don’t approach him directly.
Garver’s mother called 911 and informed the SWAT team as soon as she saw Garver came near the house. The US marshals, dogs, helicopters were unable to trace him. The Lakewood police reported that Garver was seen using a fake identity to buy bus tickets from Greyhound that will take him to Spokane from Seattle.
Garver’s search is quite intense because as per the previous report there are chances that he might have weapons hidden in the East Valley area. Both Adams and Garver can be very dangerous to people.