Nine-Year Old Meets God In Unconsciousness

Annabel, a nine-year old girl from Texas, shocked her family and friends by narrating her miraculous meeting with Jesus. The little girl fell 30ft down inside of a hollow tree facing her head downwards but came out of the fatal accident with minor bumps and bruises and no major injury. What grabbed the attention was the girl’s story about her meeting with Jesus after getting unconscious from the fall.
She stated that she went to heaven and sat on Jesus’s lap after the fatal fall. She informed her mother about the golden gates of heaven and her encounter with Jesus, who told her that it was not the time for her. As Annabel’s MRI reports showed no head injury, the doctors considered it to be a miracle. They remarked that someone above was looking out for her.
After the tree accident, Annabel also got cured of her pseudo-obstruction motility disorder, a rare, incurable dysfunction.