Positive Results Make Way for Prepone Coronavirus Vaccine Trial by August

The animal trials for the potential coronavirus vaccine have been quite successful. Whereas there is still no confirmation on which drug or vaccine is the ultimate one, but since the animal trials have been begun, it has encouraged the researchers with a ray of hope to go ahead with the human trials of the vaccine.
Previously the human trials were supposed to begin by September, but the trials are now preponed to begin in August.
The researchers of Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, developed a vaccine that makes use of the genetic material named RNA that triggers the immune response in the body. After the vaccine is injected into the body, it prompts to release proteins in the body like that of the virus. The vaccine identifies the coronaviruses infected cells in the body and helps the body to fight against it to cure the virus spread.
The vaccines that are underdeveloped claim to prevent the virus spread, but in this case, the scientists assure that this vaccine will medicate active cases of coronavirus as well. The medical researchers across the globe are working on the development of more than 140 vaccines that will fight the war against coronavirus. At present, there are around 18 vaccines that are being tested and are almost about to enter the 1-2 phase of clinical trials.
Talking of the vaccine production and development Dr. Eng Eong Ooi, the Deputy Director of Emerging Infectious Disease Program at Duke-NUS Medical School, quoted,
When the trials begin in August, it will be tested on a small group of people. The vaccine will be initially tested on healthy adults. If the results are positive, then it will be further qualified to be tested on other groups of the vulnerable population. Even if the chances are more than 50% of the vaccine to be working according to the plan, there is no specific time on when it will be available for general use.