Research Says Hackers Have an Access to Telegram Messaging Accounts in Iran

The hackers from Iran have got access to Telegram accounts for instant messaging and along with that phone numbers of 15M Iranian users. This is one of the biggest contraventions of information as reported by the cybersecurity researchers.
The communication shared among activists, media personnel, and other important offices where there is the maximum use of Telegram, have been compromised. Collin Anderson, an independent cyber researcher, and Amnesty International technologist Claudio Guarnieri have been doing intensive research on the Iranian hacking groups for three consecutive years.
In all attacks that took place, the hackers had an advantage from the inbuilt Telegram interface which helped them identify approximately 15M phone numbers of the Iranian residents along with their registered Telegram accounts. The information derived by the hackers can further provide access to mapping more Iranian users which can be a piece of useful information for the attackers to plan attacks.