Court Suspects Shrien Dewani’s Involvement In Wife’s Murder
Shrien Dewani, the millionaire, had been accused of planning a fatal carjacking with an intention to kill his wife, Anni Dewani. The couple was traveling through a notorious South African region on their honeymoon trip when the alleged well-arranged incident took Anni’s life.
According to the reports, Shrien hired hitman Mziwamadoda Qwabe to execute the heinous crime against his wife. During the hearing, the court learned that Shrien surfed a gay dating site, Gaydar, while his father-in-law, Vinod Hindocha, waited at the Cape Grace Hotel to collect the dead body of Anni. Dewani told the court that he was bisexual while he was registered on the site as gay.
He connected to the site even when he joined Mr. Vinod in the hotel lounge. The court said that the bullet that killed Annie did not assert execution. The defense, though, argued that Annie was killed accidentally when the attackers tried to rape her.